Cell Biology
Core Director: Eric Denkers, Ph.D.
Manager: Melissa Sanchez, Ph.D.
Phone: (505) 277- 4278
The CETI Cell Biology Core is a facility that aims to provide scientific and infrastructure support for researchers working on any aspects of plant and animal cell biology. The Core has three main services:
A Leica CM 3050 S Cryostat is available for use. It includes an automated disinfection system using Sanosil microspray to allow infectious material to be processed.
The CBC maintaines a Zeiss Axioskop 2 upright flulorescence microscope, a Zess Discovery V12 stereo dissecting microscope and an inverted Ti Nikon microscope. The inverted Ti Nikon microscope includes Semrock Zero Sedat filter set and is capable of exciting Dapi, BFP, FITC, CY2, GFP, AF488, CY3, DsRed, TRITC, AF568, TxRed, Cy5, AF647 and AF660. It also comes with a motorized shutter ideal for rapid switch between EpiFlour and DIC.
Flow cytometry
A four laser (blue, red, yellow, and violet) Attune NxtCytometer (Applied Biosciences) that allows for fourteen color analysis is available for use. The Acoustic focusing of this instrument allows very rapid sample analysis and minimizes fluidics use.
Cell Biology Core Instrumentation Charges effective March 1, 2022
- Cryostat: $5/hour
- Cytometer: $58/hour
- Nikon inverted flourescence microscope: $20/hour
- Zeiss confocal microscope: $35/hour